I just heard that I'm in the Wall Street Journal, bitches! It is an article about me dealing with renting sculptures and paintings to the movie and television industry. See the article at: Wall Street journal
Welcome to my world. My name is Bruce Gray, and I have been an artist in Los Angeles since 1989. I make kinetic sculptures, giant objects, mobiles, abstract art, paintings, functional art, rolling ball machines and more. My work has been featured at many museums, art galleries, over 40 books, and countless times on TV and in movies.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Double Entendre Sculpture at Doubletree Hotel
"Double Entendre" (75x42x32) is a free standing curvy abstract sculpture which is constructed in rolled sections of 1/4" steel plate. This sculpture was commissioned for the lobby of the Doubletree Hotel in Burlingame, California. (Near San Francisco Airport) It is powder coated in a rich bronze color. Double Entendre combines a simple elegant interaction between the two different curves and the result is sophisticated yet playful and fun to look at. Bruce is accepting commissions for similar style curved sculptures starting at $7000.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
High Heel Shoe Sculpture in Museum Show
high heel,
shoe fetish,
wall sculpture
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Artist Bruce Gray found inside Shark
My Shark Table is in a new book titled SHARK: A Visual History, by Richard Ellis, and in conjunction with The Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art exhibit on Sharks.
See it at: SHARK BOOK
See it at: SHARK BOOK
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
National Exposure
It's a GO! I will be filmed for 2 TV shows in the next couple of weeks, and also filmed by the talented Eric Minh Swenson as I build my three 6 foot tall robot sculptures for the Westfield Mall in Culver City. The video is for their giant 30 foot wide LED screen. COOL!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Large Hadron Metal Roller
I just received a deposit for a new freestanding abstract steel sculpture for the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel in Burlingame, CA. It's up near San Francisco and will be in the lobby area. Time to get to work! There are some very complex curves in this piece and I will need to use the large hadron metal roller down in Gardena to curve the 1/4 inch thick steel plates into shape. This should be fun!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
The Night of Ten Thousand Ants!
Since I am a sculptor, I have my studio in an old warehouse in downtown Los Angeles at an artist community. When you live in a warehouse, you get used to a life that is not as cushy as living in a regular home. For example I can't have carpeting because when it rains hard I get water flowing through my studio like rivers. I make paths for the water to follow with piles of T shirts to direct the water away from the computer and such. Once in a while I get some wild animal invasions as well. I have had a possum in the kitchen, several feral cats have snuck in (one who stayed a month!), and a few various birds. With the exception of that one cat who wouldn't leave, these creatures are fairly easy to get back outside. Insects are another story. One day I saw the largest millipede I have ever seen walking across my floor. It had to be ten inches long as least. Luckily there has only been one sighting of those nasty looking creatures. So, one night I went to bed, and something felt not quite right. I realized there was something crawling on me, and in several places. I threw off the covers and turned on the light and to my horror there were gazillions of ants everywhere. My body was covered in them. I ran downstairs and took a shower to get them off me, then spent the rest of the entire night spraying insect killer all around my bed and entire studio. Next came the shop vac, and I vacuumed up ants all over the place. Finally I was rolling a roll of duct tape over my sheets to pick up the rest of the ants. Not a pleasant way to spend a night. It took me a long time before I got into bed without a good inspection beforehand. Oddly enough, this only happened one time, and I found out later that a friend of mine had the same thing happen to him, on the other side of the artist complex, and on the same night. So, they are out there, and when you least expect it, they may come out of a crack in your floor by the thousands.
Pleasant Dreams!
Stay tuned for tomorrows story about my day of 1000 eels!
Pleasant Dreams!
Stay tuned for tomorrows story about my day of 1000 eels!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Kinetic Sculpture in Innovation Contest
Are you a Bruce Gray sculpture fan? Make sure to vote for Bruce's rolling ball sculpture video submission, California Dreamin. The video has a chance to win over $20,000 in cash and prizes as part of the Boca Bearing Innovation Contest. Bruce plans to use the winnings to create a new rolling ball sculpture with lots of mind bending magnetic tricks. Please help by sharing this post as well as voting for the video at: Innovation Contest
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
I Am Hoping For A Very Bad Leg Injury!
The art world has been quite sluggish lately, so I applied for an appearance on a new TV show. So far I have made it past the application and photos process. I have my on camera audition next week. I am hoping to break a leg!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Vote for Sculptor Bruce Gray
Bruce Gray: Click on Bruce Gray, then on "Collect Me" to help me win a gallery show in New York City and a $10,000 cash grant : Self - A Creative Competition
Top Ten Steel Sculpture Websites

Capital Steel & Wire, Inc. just featured Bruce Gray as the #3 pick for their Spectacular Steel: Our Top Ten Steel Sculpture Websites. Bruce's Big Cheese #4 Sculpture is featured here: Top Ten Sculptures
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Robots Take Over Los Angeles!
Check out Los Angeles metal sculptor Bruce Gray's cool new "Prime Directive" series of Robot Sculptures. There are five different versions of these table top sculptures available, and they are made from plasma cut 3/16 thick steel plate. They each stand about 14 inches high, and look great by themselves or in a set. Buy one, or collect them all! The robot sculptures are currently available for only $200 each at: Robot Sculptures
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
California Dreamin'
I've been having lots of beautiful amazing and detailed dreams lately so I have decided to start painting them. I even had one where I realized I was in the middle of a dream, while standing on a liquid glass wave. Many of my most creative and interesting ideas are coming to me while I am asleep, so I'm gonna run with it.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Guest Judge on Unchained Reaction TV Show
Check out the photographs from kinetic sculptor Bruce Gray's appearance as a guest judge on Discovery Channel's Unchained Reaction here.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Secret Art Event in Downtown Los Angeles
Discover over 100 artists in their natural environment on this open house art tour at the Brewery Art Colony in downtown Los Angeles. The event is free, and features over 100 artists working in painting, sculpture, photography, jewelry and much more. Its free, with free parking. The Brewery is at Main St. and Moulton St. right off the 5 Fwy. Open 11-6 pm this weekend, March 31st and April 1st. Make sure to visit my studio, Bruce Gray Sculpture at 688 S. Ave 21. Barbara's Cafe will be open for food and drinks. Hope to see you there. Cheers!
abstract art,
Art Colony,
Los Angeles,
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
I'm ready for my closeup
Yesterday, I did a quick screen test for a TV show, where I would be appearing as a consultant. It's a fun show that I enjoy watching, so I hope I get the gig. I should find out if I got it in a few days.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Sculptor Bruce Gray's appearance on Unchained Reaction
Bruce Gray will be on the new TV show Unchained Reaction on Discovery Channel on April 8th at 10pm. The episode is called "Take Flight." This is a teaser photo that happens to include Bruce, from the Discovery Channel website. Here is a link to the Discovery Channel page for the Take Flight episode of Unchained Reaction.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
High Heel Shoe Wall Sculpture for sale on ebay for $1.00
The good news is that this high heel shoe wall sculpture in an auction on Ebay for $1.00. This is your chance to buy this beautiful high heel shoes wall sculpture at a huge discount off the $1500 price. This is the only chance to get this huge discount, so you won't want to miss this opportunity.
Link to shoe sculpture on ebay
Link to shoe sculpture on ebay
high heels,
shoe art,
shoe sculpture,
Friday, March 2, 2012
Sculptor Bruce Gray on TV Saturday!
Hey Everyone,
I will be appearing on a TV show called Career Day this Saturday the 3rd on Channel 5 at 1pm LA time. Please check your local listings if you live in another time zone.
Bruce Gray,
Career Day,
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Swimming With Sharks
I went scuba diving in the giant 350,000 gallon tropical reef habitat tank at The Aquarium of the Pacific, in Long Beach, California. There are over 1000 fish and other creatures in this giant aquarium. I was invited to dive in the giant tank because I brought in several sculptures for the Aquarium's Night Dive evening event. This was an absolutely incredible experience, and I got some amazing photographs of sharks and other cool creatures. Take a look at: Shark Dive!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
I will be dropping down a few notches on the food chain today
I will be dropping down a few notches on the food chain today. Stay tuned for some wicked cool photos!
Bruce Gray,
food chain,
Friday, February 17, 2012
Kids From Portugal Imitate Bruce Gray's Sculptures
Here is a great video of an art class from Portugal doing work in the style of my painted wall sculptures at:
Art Video
Art Video
The Russians Secretly Animate California Artists Painting
When you are an artist, it is smart to Google yourself once in a while to see where your work ends up. I have found my work used in books, magazines, newspapers, copied by other artists, used as a teaching aid in classrooms, and on many websites, all used without my knowledge. Some artists don't like that sort of thing, but I realize that with my art out there on the web, unauthorized use of stuff is going to happen. In most cases I have no problem with it. Here is one of my paintings that I found on Google that was animated in Russia, I think. Check out: Animation
It's titled "animation of picture (Bruce Gray) 3D"
It's titled "animation of picture (Bruce Gray) 3D"
Monday, February 13, 2012
I Smelled My Dream
I had a dream last night that I was at a party. A beautiful woman walked by and I could smell her perfume. I didn't know you could smell your dreams. COOL!
I should have asked for her number.
I should have asked for her number.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Form Table - My most popular table
The "Form Table" is a futuristic functional art table sculpture. It is constructed by hand in welded aluminum by sculptor Bruce Gray. It's elegant sweeping S curve supports an odd angled glass top. This piece of ultra-modern functional art furniture is one of Bruce's most popular sculptures, and it is currently available at $4200. It can also be commissioned in stainless steel or as a larger, taller dining table. Call Bruce for prices. Alternate glass top shapes also available.
Base dimensions: (16" x 47" x 27") Glass dimensions: (55" x 42")
Monday, February 6, 2012
Biker Boyz Movie
This is a still from the film Biker Boyz. This shot features actors Laurence Fishburne and Derek Luke with 2 of Bruce Gray's "Meteor Chairs." This scene is in the Biker Boyz club house. Click here for better view of this movie scene and for a link to the Meteor Chair.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
HOT off the Press Release!
The press releases just came out, so now I can finally tell you that I will be appearing on a new TV show called Unchained Reaction on Discovery Channel. It's hosted by Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman from Mythbusters. It premieres this March. The folks from Discovery Channel came by my studio yesterday to get some good footage of my kinetic sculptures to use as my introduction on the show.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Kids Like Art Too!
Kaleidosports (30x60x3) is a commissioned wall sculpture for the Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Clinic for Children's Hospital Boston. The large flat pieces are constructed out of flat welded aluminum in the shapes of a boomerang, surfboard, ice hockey goalie mask, football, basketball, bowling pin, and home plate. The other parts include an actual baseball, baseball bat, golf club, golf balls, ice hockey stick, hockey puck, tennis racquet, paddleball racquets, miniature football helmets, and miniature soccer balls. It is painted in colorful kid safe acrylic paints. So see this sculpture larger click here: Kaleidosports
Monday, January 30, 2012
Confidentiality Agreements Make For A Boring Blog
I have several sculpture, movie and television projects in the works that required me to sign a confidentiality agreement. That means I can't tell you about them on this blog, Twitter, Facebook, or even in person. So you will just have to stay tuned to see what is coming. All I am going to say is that I may be creating another "stunt" sculpture or two in the near future.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Anti Gravity Sculpture
This is a large kinetic magnetic "Suspension" sculpture by Los Angeles sculptor Bruce Gray. (40x39x16) Those are super high powered industrial rare earth (NdFeB) neodymium iron boron magnets on the ends of the cords, and also on the frame of the circle. These hold the magnets suspended in place by magnetic force alone. This is a 40" tall version and is available at $4000. This sculpture appeared on FOX Channel 11 News, (Nov 1992), TV shows Charmed, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Party Down, and in the film "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me." See a video of this sculpture on YouTube at: Super Magnets
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Career Day Channel 5 TV Show Interview
This is a photograph of sculptor Bruce Gray along with the crew from Channel 5 television. Next to Bruce is his friend with the same name, actor Bruce Gray, who helped us out in a couple of scenes. This photo was taken at Bruce's sculpture studio during a break of the filming of the TV show Career Day. Watch Career Day on Saturdays at 1 pm. Stay tuned for more details coming soon!
Bruce Gray,
Career Day,
Channel 5,
Friday, January 27, 2012
Shoes TV Interview About Giant Shoe Sculptures
Here is the Shoes TV interview of Bruce Gray about his giant high heel shoe sculptures. The interview takes place at his studio in downtown Los Angeles. Follow this link to watch the video at: Shoes TV
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Norwegian Wood
This is the carved wood sculpture "Coral #1" (62 x 24 x 24) in walnut and stainless steel. It is Gray's first in this series and was inspired by an actual piece of coral from his salt water aquarium. It gives the viewer a soothing relaxing feeling like being by a fountain or watching sea kelp dance in the current. It compells you to touch it and feel the smooth curves transitioning from one element to another. Coral #1 seems to feel like it is influenced by the female form almost as much as the coral. The pedestal is disk ground with a multi level ovals finish which gives it a holographic appearance. The sculpture is bolted to the pedestal for stability. Click here for link to photographs of this sculpture during the carving process: Coral #1
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Bullet Holes Corset
This is a bustier / corset made from a highly bullet riddled propane tank. I made this to be used for a photograph for an album cover for singer Annie Barker. I had to pound the metal with a sledgehammer to curve it to fit her body. The back side was painted with rubber and also felt pads were added to make this dangerous looking garment somewhat wearable. Leather straps were also added to tie it on from the back. Follow this link to see a larger photograph and the CD cover.
Bullet riddled corset
Bullet riddled corset
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Buy The Numbers
"16448" (34x66x8) This modern playful sculpture of numbers for a residential street address is made up of stainless steel numbers each 22 inches tall and 5 inches thick. The numbers are intersecting on a slant to match the slope on the property where it is installed. It has rods welded on the bottom to anchor it in concrete. 16448 is in a private collection in California. (Weight 82 pounds)
Monday, January 23, 2012
Time Warp - Abstract Painted Wall Sculpture
Time Warp - Wall Sculpture #16 (35x46x12) is an abstract wall sculpture by Bruce Gray. It is constructed of welded aluminum, and painted by hand. The colorfully patterned planes and spheres intersect each other as if the whole sculpture was exempt from the laws of gravity. Several sculptures from this numbered wall sculpture series have been in films and on TV. This series numbered from #0 to #41 are all sold. Number 42 may be commissioned in any size. See the entire series at: Wall Sculptures
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Jimi's Nightmare - Distorted Guitar Sculpture
"Jimi's Nightmare" (Distorted Guitar #1) (31x13x2) is the first sculpture in Bruce's recent series of distorted guitars. This is a Fender Squire guitar that was cut up and reassembled. This guitar sculpture was made for The Zimmer Children's Museum in Los Angeles and was featured at "Show & Tell: The Art of Harmony." Bruce states that "I have always found musical instruments to be fascinating, comprised of interesting shapes, and very beautiful to look at. The electric guitar with its curves and sleek glossy finish reminds me of expensive Italian sportscars or a woman's body. This is a perfect subject matter for the artist to transform into their own unique vision. A distorted musical instrument has a surreal quality, and this sculpture is an homage to Picasso's deconstucted instrument paintings and assemblages."
electric guitar,
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Paper Plane Sculptures at Little Rock National Airport
Five of Bruce's aluminum 4 foot long Paper Plane sculptures are hanging in the main lobby at Little Rock National Airport. Click here for a larger photograph: Paper Planes
Rolling Ball Museum
Bruce has two of his rolling ball machine sculptures in the permanent collection of The Rolling Ball Museum in Seoul, Korea. To see this kinetic sculpture in action on YouTube click here:
Rolling Ball Sculpture Video
Rolling Ball Sculpture Video
Painting at Pershing Square
Bruce is mostly known for his metal sculptures, but he also does abstract paintings. His Raindrops #3 was blown up to 9 feet wide for this outdoor display at Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles. This painting is the 3rd from the right with the overlapping circles.
See this painting larger at: Raindrops #3
See this painting larger at: Raindrops #3
Friday, January 20, 2012
Professional Artist Magazine article
This is an article in Professional Artist Magazine about the Brewery Artist Colony, and features Bruce and his robot sculpture. Follow this link to read the article: Professional Artist
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Ripley's Believe it or Not!
Believe it or not, Bruce's sculpture The Big Cheese #4 is mentioned in this edition of Ripley's Believe it or Not! See the article at: Ripley's Believe it or Not!
Giant Red Mobile
Giant Red Mobile by sculptor Bruce Gray is about 14 feet tall, 11 feet wide, and 36 feet long. It is constructed with welded stainless steel rods and disk brushed aluminum disks with a translucent candy red powdercoating. This mobile sculpture was commissioned for Embassy Suites hotel in Ontario, California. Weight 104 pounds. See large mobile photos here.
Weird America Video
There is a short video in the Weird America video series by Chuck Cirino on Los Angeles sculptor Bruce Gray. See it on YouTube at: Weird America - The Art of Bruce Gray
The Big Cheese
The Big Cheese #4 is a sculpture of a giant wedge of swiss cheese fabricated in welded aluminum by sculptor Bruce Gray. This is one of the five versions of the "Big Cheese" created by Gray so far. It has many bubbles of various diameters overlapping and connecting from one side to another. This sculpture appeared on HBO's Six Feet Under, in several books and magazines, and was mentioned in Ripley's Believe it or Not. See this sculpture revolve and also see the TV stills at:
Big Cheese #4.
Big Cheese #4.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
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